Our Mission
To develop Made In The USA products filling niches that have not been addressed.
HPBT Inc. and Heat Press Batting Together™ is a family-owned business and a California Corporation.

About Heat Press Batting Togetherâ„¢

L. J. Harwood - CEO
L.J. Harwood is an entrepreneur who has worked in the Venture Capital, Internet, and Product Development industries for the past 10 years.  L.J. Harwood developed the 'start-up' business models for, Wireimage.com, now Getty Images and a top five beauty product on QVC, as well as consulting on many diverse industries nationally and internationally.
Jeanne Harwood- COO and Director Product Development
Jeanne Harwood, in the past 40 years, has used her education from UCLA, in design, apparel design, fine arts and eductaion. Jeanne Harwood as been associated with many apparel manufacturing firms as a designer, consultant and as a business owner shipping to the major chains in the nation.  Jeanne Harwood was associated with Sears Sewing Schools, developing and structuring classes for sewing knit fabrics when they were introduced to the home sewing market.